Metro Creative Connection
Terms and Conditions | MetroCreativeConnection

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

I agree that the Services Metro® Newspaper Service, MiAD Spec Ad Library, Campaigns & Classified, Holiday Advertising Service, Plus Business®, MiAD™ (Metro Interactive Ad Designer], Automotive Photo Library, Logos & Trademarks Library, Metro Editorial Services, Metro e-Connect, Templated Special Sections, MiAD Mobile™,  ADS on Demand™ available at this Web site may only be used by the publications or companies included in a Metro Contract with Metro Creative Graphics, Inc., and only in the location(s) referred to in that Contract. I agree and acknowledge that Metro is the owner of all the Service(s) and the content, images, advertising materials and concepts provided under the Metro Contract and that Metro owns all the copyright rights (whether common law or statutory) in the same. I agree to not to sell, transfer, lease, loan or in any way permit the use of the Service(s) (material and concepts) or any rights to it, or them, in any manner or form to any other corporation, person or entity in any location.


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