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Vegetarian Month | Metro Video Tutorials | MetroCreativeConnection
Vegetarian Month


Company: Vegetarian Awareness Network
Telephone: (800) USA-VEGE
Web site:

World Vegetarian Day was established as an annual celebration to promote the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism. The day was originated by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977 and endorsed by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978. October 1st is the official date, however if necessary, individuals may schedule their event on a nearby date instead. The vegetarian message grew, and WVD became the annual kick-off of Vegetarian Awareness Month. A vegetarian diet can be a healthy component of one's life.


According to Vegetarian Times, there are 7.3 million vegetarians in America, with another 22.8 million following a vegetarian-inclined diet. Use this event to shine the spotlight on restaurants, health food stores and vegan apparel and housewares in your area. Divide a section or pages by category: health benefits such as heart-healthy options and environmental benefits. Place advertisers in the appropriate category based on the goods and services they offer. It is commonly known that if there is a vegetarian in a group, the vegetarian often chooses the restaurant. Compose a guide in print and online of the vegetarian entrees that your area restaurants offer.


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