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Around The Office

Protect your business from a 'phishing' expedition

The term "phishing" has become so widely known that it's a wonder such fraudulent schemes are still effective. However, phishing, a term used to describe online account holders being defrauded of financial information -- including their bank account numbers -- by criminals, still occurs to millions of people each year.
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Allowing employees to work from home can benefit your bottom line

Offices have changed dramatically over the years. The office atmosphere your parents may have known has largely fallen by the wayside, and chances are your own office might be starkly different a decade from now than it is today.
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New pet policies unleashed at work make employees happier

Employers continually try new tactics to improve employee morale. A new concept has truly gone to the dogs ... and even the cats.

North Americans love their pets. They're willing to dress them up in fancy clothes, spend money for elaborate spa grooming packages and even take them along on vacations. Recognizing that pets are important members of many households, some companies are providing for animal day care, while others have an open-door policy when it comes to bringing pets to work.
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Wireless card readers a benefit to business

The world of wireless communication has expanded by leaps and bounds. Thanks to the availability and adaptability of new wireless technology, many small businesses are conducting their work on-the-go without the need for a formal retail space or office.
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Illness has impact on job performance

People who want to be more productive at work may be able to skip learning seminars or extra school courses and simply focus on personal health, including taking mental health concerns seriously.
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A better work environment serves employees, company

Many people spend more time in the office than they do at their own homes. As a result, the environment at the workplace is especially important, and businesses big and small should attempt to make that environment as enjoyable and supportive as possible.
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Easy ways to improve workplace communications

Lack of communication at work can result in low employee morale and an uncomfortable work environment. Proper communication is vital to a healthy company. Otherwise, an atmosphere of discomfort might develop among employees. There are different steps to take to improve workplace communication and keep a business running smoothly.
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