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Illness has impact on job performance

People who want to be more productive at work may be able to skip learning seminars or extra school courses and simply focus on personal health, including taking mental health concerns seriously.

Personal illnesses are not only bad for employees but also bad for business. A survey by CCH, a leading provider of human resources and employment law information, has found absenteeism can mean billions of lost revenue for U.S. businesses. The nation's largest employers estimate that unscheduled absenteeism costs their businesses more than $760,000 per year in direct payroll costs, and even more when lower productivity, lost revenue and the effects of poor morale are considered.

One of the primary reasons employees miss work is poor health stemming from stress and depression. About 14.8 million American adults suffer from depression, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Depression is the leading cause of disability among young adults in the United States. Canadian studies looking at lifetime incidences of major depression found that roughly 8 percent of adults over 18 years of age met the criteria for a diagnosis of major depression at some time in their lives.

Depression is not just passing feelings of sadness. It is a persistent feeling of worthlessness or helplessness that is often accompanied by loss of interest in pleasurable activities. Depression may cause sleep disturbances, decreased energy and an inability to concentrate.

Stress, anxiety and depression are often linked. Stress may trigger anxious episodes, which in turn can lead to depression. Anxiety and depression progress together because obsessive worrying keeps a person in an increased state of arousal that results in depression at its most severe, say mental health experts.

Many people fail to take their health concerns seriously or fear the ramifications if they admit a "weakness." Some continue to try to plow through at work, which is neither productive for the employee nor his or her employer. Lack of concentration may lead to mistakes made on the job.

It is in everyone's best interest to make good health a priority. To do so, individuals can follow these guidelines.

* Don't overlook symptoms that may be indicative of depression or anxiety. Visit a doctor and talk about how you have been feeling. According to a recent large-scale study published by the Rand Corporation, depression results in more days in bed than many other ailments (such as ulcers, diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis). Staying in bed for extended periods of time could be indicative of mental illness.

* Sit down with your employer and explain what is going on. You do not want him or her to simply think you are goofing off on the job. If your employer values your work, then that employer will help you out during a period of illness. You also may be entitled to extended time off through the Family Medical Leave Act.

* Put yourself first. You cannot help others without first helping yourself.

* Consider talking with others in similar situations. There are many support groups that take place both online and in person.

* Recognize that stress can manifest itself in a variety of ways. It may compound blood pressure issues and tax the cardiovascular system.

* Depression and anxiety are more common than you might think. At any given time, one employee in 20 is battling depression.

* Employers can be on the lookout for signs of problems and confidentially approach employees to determine the source of poor performances on the job. Some employers offer counseling as part of employee benefits.

Employees should not take their health lightly, especially when illnesses like depression and anxiety can impair their abilities to do their jobs. Mental and physical health can have a trickle-down effect on job performance. Employees and employers can work together to come up with solutions.