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New pet policies unleashed at work make employees happier

Employers continually try new tactics to improve employee morale. A new concept has truly gone to the dogs ... and even the cats.

North Americans love their pets. They're willing to dress them up in fancy clothes, spend money for elaborate spa grooming packages and even take them along on vacations. Recognizing that pets are important members of many households, some companies are providing for animal day care, while others have an open-door policy when it comes to bringing pets to work.

One might think that opening the workplace to pets would create a veritable zoo with a cacophony of meows and barks. But companies like California-based Autodesk say that this isn't the case. Many pets are very well behaved, preferring to snooze under desks or flirt with passersby. The company has loose rules in place, including barring overzealous barkers. And if an animal has too many accidents indoors, he or she has to leave.

While these pet-friendly programs benefit the dogs, cats, lizards, and even the occasional snake that may spend time in the office, such programs can also benefit employees.

The American Humane Association says that pet-friendly policies can be a boon to employers and employees alike.

* Research indicates that animals can help individuals naturally reduce stress.

* Having pets nearby can keep employees calm and help them adapt better to unforeseen challenges.

* Pets generally induce feelings of happiness. Therefore an office environment where pets are allowed may benefit from improved morale.

* Happier employees often perform better.

* Animals help spark conversation and camaraderie among employees.

* Taking dogs for brief bathroom breaks during the day enables employees to get some exercise, see a change of scenery and return to the workplace refreshed.

* Knowing that one doesn't have to rush home to let a dog out can offer peace of mind and enable an employee to stay later to finish up a project without distraction.

A study by the American Pet Products Producers Association says that 1 in 5 companies throughout the United States allow pets to come into work. More than 50 million people surveyed have said that they believe having pets in the workplace reduces employee absenteeism, improves the creative work environment, helps employees get along better and increases productivity.

Bringing in an office mascot or enabling employees to bring in pets from home can have many advantages. It is important, however, to follow some guidelines so the experiment works.

* Talk to other pet-friendly firms for advice.

* Be sure to create a pet-friendly environment, free from potential hazards.

* Set ground rules for pets, their owners and fellow employees.

* Have a test run, such as a Take Your Dog to Work Day, before instituting a pet policy.

* Don't initiate the new policy near a deadline time or a typically busy season.

* Educate employees on how to interact with the animals.

Becoming a pet-friendly place of work can be an asset to employers looking to offer employees benefits in lieu of pay increases in a tough economy.