Summer Fun Summer Fun Summer Fun Summer Fun

Summer Safety

Simple ways to ease the 'ouch'

Sunblock -- and its adequate reapplication -- is one of the single most effective ways to prevent sunburn and a host of sun-related maladies. Despite the warnings of skin cancer and ailments related to the sun, people succumb to sunburn year after year. The results can be quite painful.
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How to protect hair and skin from pool chemicals

A pool can provide a welcome respite from the heat and humidity. Taking a daily dip in a pool is great cardiovascular exercise and can help relieve stress. The chemicals used to keep pool water fresh and clean may wreak havoc on hair and skin, however.
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How to survive summer heat

Summer heat waves are an unfortunate part of what many people consider their favorite time of year. Sunny summer days can quickly be spoiled when the mercury rises to heights no one finds comfortable.

For those without air conditioning, heat waves can not only be uncomfortable, but they also may be deadly. In 2010, the city of Moscow was hit hard when 11,000 of its residents died due to a remarkable heat wave. Referred to as the Great Russian Heat Wave of 2010, this deadly stretch of heat included 62 consecutive days with above average high temperatures. Such a heat wave is unbearable for anyone, let alone those who don't have air conditioning. Should a particularly daunting heat wave arrive this summer, consider the following suggestions to beat the heat.
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Prevent Burning, Red Eyes While Swimming

Burning, irritated eyes can turn a normally enjoyable swimming pool experience into one that a person would prefer to avoid. Swimming with itchy, red eyes can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.

If people complain of burning eyes or throat while swimming, it's not necessarily a problem of too much chlorine sanitizer, but could be caused by poor overall pool chemistry. Pool water needs to have a careful and proper mix of factors for clean, safe water. If one of these factors is not right, there can be a chemical imbalance.
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Recognize These Top Beach Dangers

A trip to the seaside is supposed to be a fun-filled adventure and a chance to enjoy the surf and sand. But a beach trip can quickly turn sour if an injury occurs while soaking up the sun.

Millions of people venture to beaches around the country when the weather warms up. During the summer season, seaside resorts and boardwalks are filled with individuals looking for the laid back and carefree atmosphere that only the beach can provide. No one likes to think about the dangers at the beach when heading there for a good time. But there are certain things that can pose risks at the seaside. Here are some of the top dangers.
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Safe Boating Saves Lives

Every year, recreational boaters take to the waterways to soak up some sun and have fun on the water. Too often, however, recreational boating trips turn tragic, resulting in injury or even death.

According to the United States Coast Guard, in 2009 there were more than 4,700 recreational boating accidents. Those accidents involved nearly 750 deaths. Perhaps most telling, only 14 percent of those deaths occurred on boats where the operator had received boating safety instruction. The importance of precautionary measures when boating is immeasurable, and boaters should heed the following safety advice whenever taking to the water, be it in the ocean or on a nearby lake or river.
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River Swimming Safety

Rivers can prove a refreshing place in which to cool off. Many people flock to rivers to escape the summertime heat. Though rivers can be an enticing place to cool off, care and caution should be used when venturing into a river.
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Summertime safety a must this season

Summertime and the livin is easy;

Fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high ...

George Gershwin wrote these lyrics for the 1935 opera "Porgy and Bess." They seem fitting to many people, as summertime is seen as a time to kick back, relax and enjoy a slower pace.
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Is travel insurance necessary?

When vacation season arrives, men and women want to protect themselves as much as possible regardless of where they'll be vacationing. Travel insurance has long been a security blanket some rely on when traveling. However, travel insurance might not always be necessary. For example, some travelers might already be covered. Oftentimes, a homeowners' or renters' policy provides coverage for items stolen away from home. In the case of lost luggage, airlines are required to reimburse passengers whose luggage have been lost.
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