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Recognize These Top Beach Dangers

A trip to the seaside is supposed to be a fun-filled adventure and a chance to enjoy the surf and sand. But a beach trip can quickly turn sour if an injury occurs while soaking up the sun.

Millions of people venture to beaches around the country when the weather warms up. During the summer season, seaside resorts and boardwalks are filled with individuals looking for the laid back and carefree atmosphere that only the beach can provide. No one likes to think about the dangers at the beach when heading there for a good time. But there are certain things that can pose risks at the seaside. Here are some of the top dangers.

Sunburn: Reflection of the sun's rays off of the sand and water can concentrate UV exposure and make sunburns occur even more quickly. Plus, with coastal breezes and the cooling effect of being in the water, many people do not realize they are being burned until it's too late. Heading to the beach requires applying a high SPF product and reapplying it at least every hour, maybe more frequently for those who are spending a lot of time in the water. Pay special attention to the often forgotten areas of the body, such as the back of the knees or the tops of the feet. Use an umbrella to create a shady spot when sitting in the sand.

Drowning: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 10 people die every day from drowning. It's easy to get pulled away in a strong current or venture out too far, tire and fail to make it back to the shore without assistance. Even strong swimmers can be swept out with a rip current or be forced under strong waves. Even when the person returns to the beach the danger is not over. Individuals who have taken on water should visit the hospital to make sure there isn't residual seawater in the lungs, which can still cause a person to drown even after they've left the water.

Jellyfish stings: Many jellyfish stings are not life-threatening, but they can certainly pack a wallop of pain. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact number of jellyfish stings per year because people often do not report them. During certain months of the year there are a higher number of jellyfish in the water, increasing the chance a sting may occur. If one does, remove the stinging cells with a stick or something else and rinse the area with salt water. Fresh water can irritate the stinging even more. Those with a severe allergic reaction should visit a hospital.

Shells and hazards: Cuts, abrasions and even broken bones are possible on the beach. That's because people are often paying attention to the scenery and don't realize what's right under their feet. Crab claws or broken shells can cause deep cuts on the feet. Rocks or other debris propelled by the surf can knock into a person at the water's edge. Some people simply twist or break an ankle from a hole in the sand.

Fish hooks: Oceans and lakes provide ample hunting ground for marine life to serve as food. Fish hooks and line can end up with the trash and other debris that ends up fouling waterways. It's not uncommon for a swimmer or beachgoer to be cut or even impaled by a fish hook.

Parasites: The moist, warm sand is a fertile breeding ground for many different types of bacteria and parasites. Hookworms, for example, are parasites that are found in animal feces that can lay eggs and prosper in the sand. The larvae bury through the skin, usually on the foot, and then migrate to the intestines where they cause damage. Sand fleas, mites and other microscopic dangers also may be present.

Beachside visits are often enjoyable. Knowing about potential dangers can make the swimmer or sunbather more aware to prevent injuries.