Summer Fun Summer Fun Summer Fun Summer Fun


Boating Safety Courses Have Benefits

Navigating a boat is much like driving a car. Safety lessons and courses can make the captain of the vessel a better sailor.

Handling a boat properly and safely is something that comes with practice. Safety courses can make boating more enjoyable for all involved.
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Learn to Anchor a Boat Properly

Boat anchoring is an important skill to learn and one that can offer peace of mind when enjoying the open water.

Setting an anchor is more than dropping the anchor and hoping for the best. There are tips that translate to good seamanship that also prevent risk of dragging an anchor or losing a boat in the current.
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Boat Detailing an Important Part of Maintenance

Most boat owners desire to maintain that fresh-from-the-showroom look on their boat, even if the vessel is several years old. Detailing a boat on a regular basis is a way to ensure it is not compromised by the elements and continues to look pristine.

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Cruising Remains an Affordable Vacation

What's an all-inclusive vacation that enables individuals to see many sights without having to step too far from their comfortable quarters? Cruising, of course.

Individuals on fixed incomes, such as couples just starting out in life, students and seniors often find that cruising is the ideal vacation for many reasons. Cost is often one of the top reasons for taking a cruise.
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Routine Maintenance to Keep Your Boat Afloat

A poorly maintained automobile can eventually land its owner stranded on the side of the road. A poorly maintained boat could prove far more disastrous, stranding its owner at sea.

Boating enthusiasts recognize the role routine maintenance plays in keeping a boat afloat. Such maintenance might sound like a major commitment, but maintenance is actually simple and does not require boat owners to spend as much time working on their boat as they do enjoying it.
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Ready Your Boat for Sailing Season

Sailing season is right around the corner, and thousands of skippers are getting ready to prep their boats for another few months of fun in the sun. Before a vessel can safely hit the high seas, boat owners must perform a host of tasks, both big and small, to ensure their season features plenty of smooth sailing and no safety risks.
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