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Cruising Remains an Affordable Vacation

What's an all-inclusive vacation that enables individuals to see many sights without having to step too far from their comfortable quarters? Cruising, of course.

Individuals on fixed incomes, such as couples just starting out in life, students and seniors often find that cruising is the ideal vacation for many reasons. Cost is often one of the top reasons for taking a cruise.

Although the average cruise may be roughly $2,000 per couple, that cost encompasses most activities, accommodations, food and beverages (outside of alcohol) and plenty of onboard entertainment. It may be difficult to find a similar scope of activities for that price in another vacation.

Vacation trends indicate that roughly 34 million passengers take a cruise holiday each year, spending upwards of $60 billion annually. A large number of cruise vacationers are seniors. Why do seniors find cruising so enticing? Here are a number of reasons.

* Costs known in advance: Unlike other vacations that require pay-as-you-go, cruisers typically know about all costs in advance of their trip. This means they can budget exactly what is needed for the cruise.

* Flexible pricing: Individuals have a wide selection of rooms to choose from, which can vary greatly in cost. Staterooms with balconies or suites may be at the top of the budget, while interior rooms that don't offer an outside view will be the cheapest.

* Convenience: Unlike some vacations, cruising only requires packing and unpacking twice with the possibilities of visiting multiple ports of call. Plus, it's less likely luggage will be lost on a cruise than it is when traveling by air.

* Safety: Everything is self-contained on a cruise -- it's a floating mini-city. Medical care, security, food, shopping, dining, and the like are available in safe locations. For travelers who are wary of venturing into strange areas, cruising offers peace of mind.

* Known itinerary: For vacationers who just want to unpack and relax without having to plan their entire vacation, cruising is ideal. Cruise directors can help vacationers pack their schedule or fly by the seat of their pants without a schedule.

* Variety of food: Instead of having to choose among restaurants or facing unfamiliar flavors when vacationing, cruisers can simply take their pick from an abundance of popular foods -- many of which are all-you-can-eat.

* Easier travel: Depending on a country's specific regulations, some international cruisers are not required to carry a passport, which saves on additional travel costs. Plus, travelers simply arrive at the terminal and set sail instead of having to catch taxis, buses and the like to make a flight.

* Social experience: Because many cruisers are thrown together at dinnertime or come upon each other poolside, it's easy to strike up friendships with like-minded travelers.

Cruising remains one of the more popular vacation options for seniors and many others. With cruises occurring all around the world most of the year, it's possible to visit a port of call that interests just about anyone.