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River Swimming Safety

Rivers can prove a refreshing place in which to cool off. Many people flock to rivers to escape the summertime heat. Though rivers can be an enticing place to cool off, care and caution should be used when venturing into a river.

* Water moves more quickly through a shallow, narrow river. Individuals should test the velocity of the water by throwing in a stick or a leaf and seeing how fast it is moving. Avoid any currents that are beyond a swimmer's abilities.

* Spring river swimming can be risky. The rivers are at a higher level because of rain and snow run-off. They also may contain hidden debris that can be dangerous.

* Swim with a buddy, so that if something should happen, he or she can alert for help.

* River water may be especially cold, which can impede one's ability to swim easily. Even though the air temperature is hot, keep in mind the water temperature may still be chilly.

* Keep an eye out for boaters, fishermen, and other water enthusiasts. It's easier for swimmers to see them than for them to see the swimmer.