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How to clear away the clutter

A cluttered home is one that is typically filled with memories. However, as the years and the memories pile up, clutter can take over a home. When that happens, residents can feel uncomfortable and boxed in. Clutter has even been linked to mental health issues, most notably depression, as some mental health professionals theorize that clutter indicates a preoccupation with the past and possibly a dim view of both the present and the future.

Those who don't have an issue with clutter might find it difficult to understand just how difficult it can be to address. But removing clutter is more than just boxing things up and leaving them at the curb. To clear a home of clutter, men and women should consider the following tips.
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How to eliminate weeds on interlock pathways

Inter-locking brick and cobblestone are attractive choices for driveways, patios, and connecting paths. Weed growth is a common problem around these pavers and, if left unchecked, can ruin the look if you don't literally nip them in the bud.

When left too long, pathway weeds soon take over and the eventual removal becomes far more difficult and far more costly. Since this growth begins in the spaces between the interlock bricks, it is largely inaccessible. If some of the roots are left behind when pulling out the weeds, these weeds will simply grow back.
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Home Improvement:
Top tips for the best first impression

It's called "curb appeal," that good impression people get of your home when they pull up in a car, or when walking by. Real estate agents can be as pleased with exterior curb appeal as they are with a well-maintained house on the inside. When it comes to residential property value, this book is indeed judged by its cover.
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Herbicide technology improves weed control

It may be well worth the effort to make the lawn around our home lush-green and weed free, but with the herbicide restrictions of today, achieving this has become a big effort indeed.

Excessive weeds on the front lawn are as unsightly, homeowners say, as the appearance of excessive peeling paint. A weed-infested back lawn is also a downer if all you want for your summer is a pretty retreat where the kids can play, without the fear of twisting an ankle or knee on poor turf, and where adults can rest and revitalize.
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Home Decor trends
Hickory hardwood floors: A classic beauty that endures

No other flooring option delivers the warmth, splendour and value of natural wood. Today there are countless colours available to choose from as well as different species, each with their unique characteristics. One species that has been growing in popularity in recent years for its rustic charm and ultra -- durability is hickory.
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Get the best price when selling a home

The housing market has not yet rebounded to pre-recession prices, when buyers seemed to be stepping over one another to bid up the price of homes. Today's sellers may be lucky to get asking price, with the reality being a certain percentage below. However, that doesn't mean sellers should accept bottom-of-the-barrel offers. There are still ways to get the best price possible on an offered home.
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Home Entertainment Networking Made Easy

In the early days of home television entertainment a consumer had a television with one plug -- a power cord -- that was plugged into an electrical outlet. That was all that was needed to get their viewing experience up and running. Today it's an entirely different story, and many people ready to outfit their homes with home entertainment systems and networks do not really know where to begin.
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Decor trends for 2011
Do-it-yourselfers "LOC-in" latest trend in hardwood floors

According to experts in the hardwood flooring industry, the hot trends for this year will be wider board floor designs and easier to install options that you simply "LOC" into place.

The recent innovation in the flooring industry that continues to gain momentum with designers, builders and do it yourselfers alike is the Mercier Wood Flooring "LOC" product category. It's an engineered floor that does not require glue or mechanical fasteners to install using a locking system optimized for low cost of production and superior installation characteristics.
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Home design innovations
Latest trends in hardwood floor designs a touch away on new iPad app

Imagine being able to hold in your hands the full line of samples from the latest trends in hardwood flooring - colours, finishes and species -- all in the comfort of your home. It would be like holding hundreds of actual in-store sample boards in the palm of your hands making the selection of your new hardwood floors effortless.
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