Fall... On The RoadFall... On The Road Fall... On The Road

Buying & Selling

How to conduct a test drive

When shopping for a new vehicle, some drivers know exactly which model of car they want to buy, while others are not so sure.
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Road Safety

How to stay safe on winter roads

Snowy weather can be a time for fun, especially for avid skiers or children who relish spending days off from school tossing snowballs and building snow forts.
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Prevent and treat headlight cloudiness

Headlights serve to improve visibility during nighttime driving conditions and inclement weather. They help drivers see and be seen by other motorists. When headlights are dull and cloudy, they can prove to be a safety hazard on the road. Fortunately, there are ways to restore headlights to their full effectiveness.
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Simple steps to a clean interior

Much like curb appeal improving the chances of a sale on your home, having a car that is presented well inside and out may boost the amount of money and potential of a resale on your vehicle. Even vehicle owners who don't anticipate selling their vehicles in the near future should maintain the vehicles to ensure they are safe and sound.
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How to avoid becoming a vehicle theft statistic

Automobile theft is no laughing matter. It leaves people without a means of transportation, costs the public more money in insurance payments and taxes and can give anyone the feeling of being personally violated. The FBI estimates that around one million motor vehicles are stolen in the United States each year. The Insurance Bureau of Canada says that a car is stolen every three and a half minutes in Canada, an estimate that translates to approximately 420 cars per day. Auto theft costs everyone millions of dollars -- and can even cost some their lives.
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