How to conduct a test drive
When shopping for a new vehicle, some drivers know exactly which model of car they want to buy, while others are not so sure. Though price and features often carry the most weight when making a decision, a test drive can narrow down the prospects as well.It is easy to become awestruck by the look of a new car, and even easier to fall into the eager hands of a salesperson. It can be confusing when comparing the dozens of statistics and numbers associated with a car -- from price to horsepower to gas usage ratios. One of the best ways to judge a car is to take it out for a test drive.
There are many things that a test drive can tell you about a car or truck. A test drive shouldn't be a quick jaunt around the block. It should include a thorough examination of the vehicle, and the drive should be long enough for you to get a feel for the vehicle.
It is important to take your time on a test drive and not feel rushed. There are also many other tips that can help you find the right buy.
* Pick a time when you feel focused. Doing a test drive on your lunch hour or right before you're expected at a meeting or carpool is not the ideal time to make an assessment of the vehicle. You certainly may feel rushed and distracted by the other tasks you have to accomplish. Rather, pick a time when you are well rested and well fed and able to concentrate on the job at hand.
* Avoid distractions. Sometimes schedules conflict, and you may have to bring other people, including children, along on the test drive. However, when possible, only include those people who will be driving the vehicle in the test drive. This way you will be able to focus solely on the car and not worry about what the other passengers are doing as well. It is also perfectly acceptable to ask the salesperson to be quiet during the test drive and reserve explaining the features and attributes for before or after the drive. This way you can focus on the driving experience.
* Research the vehicle. It helps to go into a test drive already knowing the majority of the specifications on the vehicle and what the car or truck is capable of doing. This way you'll be able to tell if the sales information you are receiving is accurate or embellished.
* Try out different terrains. Most test drives consist of a short jaunt to and from the dealership. Salespeople also may recommend certain routes, but these could be tailored to get the best response out of the car. But if you're familiar with the area take a test drive on your terms. Try different road surfaces and speeds. Also be sure to make turns to gauge the turning radius. This can be as simple as making some turns in a parking lot.
* Change lanes. Take the opportunity to change lanes so you can judge the visibility of the vehicle.
* Adjust the seating. This will help you determine the comfort level of the vehicle and if it will fit your frame. You don't want the car to be uncomfortable to drive.
* Test the radio and the climate control. See how the car functions, including whether it takes a long or short time to reach a comfortable temperature.
* Have a passenger ride in the back. If you won't be distracted by it, have a friend or family member ride along and pay attention to the things you might be missing while focusing on the road. These may include road noise, suspension and the general comfort of the vehicle.
A test drive is an important component of buying a car. It can often make or break a sale, so be sure to include it on your must-do list.