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Explore the many hats worn by nurses

Enter a hospital, doctor's office, adult care facility or medical clinic and you are bound to encounter nurses. Nurse is a broad term used to describe most individuals who perform patient-based care in a variety of settings. A nurse's duties and title will vary depending on his or her educational background and the certifications and licenses he or she has received.

The field of nursing is seemingly recession-proof. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are roughly 2.6 million nurses in the United States. No other career choice within the field of healthcare can claim such strength in numbers, both in the United States. and Canada.

There are many advantages to becoming a nurse, including growing employment opportunities. Over the next 20 years, the BLS predicts 800,000 vacancies in the field of nursing in the United States. alone. Financial gain is to be had as well. Depending on the type of nurse, he or she has the potential to make anywhere between $43,000 and $115,000 a year, according to the BLS' Occupational Employment Statistics Program. Furthermore, because of the wide breadth of nursing services, there is plenty of room for specialty application and advancement.

Here are the common types of nurses and the type of education required to become a nurse.

* Nursing aide/orderly: Nursing aides and orderlies help nurses care for patients and perform routine tasks. They spend most of their time with patients, serving meals, keeping patients comfortable, answering call lights, making beds, and giving baths. Most nursing aides work in a hospital setting or long-term facilities for the elderly. A high school diploma may be all that's needed to become a nursing aide.

* Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN): An LPN studies for a year after earning a high school diploma and must be licensed in the state in which he or she will work. LPNs typically record medical histories, weigh and measure patients, record symptoms, and administer injections.

* Registered Nurse (RN): An RN typically pursues a two-year Associate's degree in nursing or may receive a Bachelor's degree in the field. RNs must pass a national exam before they are licensed. The duties of an RN are generally more varied and in-depth than those of an LPN and can include helping patients manage treatment plans.

* Nurse practitioner (NP): Nurse practitioners are among the most educated hospital employees. In addition to their RN study, they earn a Master's degree and may specialize in one area. Also, NPs may be able to work outside of the authority of a physician. In such instances, an NP can run a medical practice, diagnose and prescribe medication just as a doctor would.

Although doctors are often thought of as the primary care providers in most healthcare settings, nurses are growing in numbers and have taken on many of the roles once reserved exclusively for doctors.