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Things to look for in an internship

College students typically clamor for internships. An opportunity to gain on-the-job experience while still in college, an internship looks great on a resume and, in some instances, can lead to an offer of employment upon graduation.

But not all internships are equal. College students might be enthusiastic when landing an internship, only to find out once the opportunity begins that they will be doing little more than fetching coffee and not gaining valuable experience they can use down the road. In other instances, however, an internship can be all a student expects and more, providing hands-on experience in a student's desired field and maybe even earning the student a few dollars along the way.

When it comes to finding an internship, there are a few things college students can look for to determine if the opportunity is the right fit.

* Companies that let interns and employees grow: Nowadays it's easy to get a grasp of the culture within a certain company. Social networking sites such as LinkedIn™ and Facebook® can paint a pretty accurate picture of a company's environment. An environment that allows its employees to learn on the job and grow with the company might be more ideal for interns than a company with a less nurturing environment. In addition, some companies list information about their employees on their Web site, including how they started with the company and how long they have been there. A company with a roster of long-term employees is likely one where people like to work, an important thing for you to consider.

* Potential experience: An internship looks good on a resume, but college students should seek out an internship that allows them to gain valuable experience. An internship at a renowned law firm might boost a resume, but if you spend all of your time in the mailroom or fetching coffee then that internship will not necessarily serve you very well. Look for an internship that provides you with an array of experiences within your field. A good internship won't involve you doing the same thing every day. Instead, it should allow you to try various tasks over the course of your summer or semester with the company. This will give you a more accurate depiction of the industry, while allowing you to list more experiences on your resume. When interviewing for an internship, ask about the specific tasks and responsibilities you'll be entrusted with. The more, the better.

* Value and relevance: The great thing about an internship is it gives college students the chance to get a glimpse of their potential field prior to graduation. After completing an internship, some students reconsider their course of study, while others grow even more committed. But when looking for an internship, look for one that is relevant to your current course of study. It's alright to change afterward, but the internship should be one wherein you can apply the lessons you've learned and gain practical experience to complement those lessons. Avoid accepting an internship that has nothing to do with your course of study, as it's not likely to help you after graduation.

* Impact on your future: College students pursue internships because of the role an internship can play in their future. An internship can not only provide valuable experience, but also it's a chance to get your foot in the door with a company that you might want to work for after you graduate. When interviewing for an internship, ask about the potential for turning an internship into full-time employment. Some companies enable this transition by allowing successful interns to work on an hourly basis during the school year after they have completed their internships. Others admit they look to previous interns first when entry-level positions become available. A company that wants its interns to eventually become full-time employees is one that can have a significant impact on your future.