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How to connect with a recruiter

Finding a job when the economy is struggling is not easy. An overcrowded pool of applicants coupled with fewer jobs can make a job seeker feel like a proverbial needle in a haystack.

When men and women apply for a position, the first person to see their resumes is typically a human resources employee, a company's in-house recruiter or even a recruiting service hired by a company to help it fill the position. This person is responsible for sifting through the many applicants and narrowing those down to a manageable number of people whom the recruiter will then interview, or recommend for an interview. (Be it over the phone or in the company's office.)

That said, grabbing the attention of a recruiter could make or break a person's chance of landing a job. The following are a few ways individuals can help themselves gain the attention of a recruiter and increase their chances of being called for an interview.

* Recognize the importance of an effective C.V. A curriculum vitae, or C.V., is incredibly important. The C.V. is an overview of your experience and any additional qualifications. Longer and more extensive than a resume, the C.V. is the first thing many prospective employers will examine. It should include a detailed summary of your background and experience, including professional associations and licenses, awards and any other information relevant to the position to which you're applying. Include your name and contact information as well as any specific skills you have that make you a strong candidate for the position. Organize the C.V. by dates and don't be afraid to go into too much detail, especially if those details are relevant to the job for which you're applying.

* Tailor your C.V. to each specific position. Avoid using a generic or non-specific C.V. This won't make you stick out among the competition and the recruiter is likely to pass you over for consideration. Tailor the C.V. to each position for which you're applying, clearly illustrating how your past experience makes you a strong candidate for the position.

* Always be prepared. If the recruiter deems you worthy of an interview, that interview could come at any time. A phone call from the recruiter could be a screening interview, so once you apply for a position, be prepared to interview at any time. Research the prospective employer and anticipate some of the questions he or she might ask you when responding to your application. Practice answering these questions so you can make a strong first impression.

* Recognize the other ways you can make an impression. A strong C.V. and an effective resume can make a great first impression, but today's recruiters will also utilize social networking to determine your worthiness as a candidate. Applicants can help or hurt their chances with recruiters depending on how they approach social networking. Speaking ill of past employers via social networking sites is a significant red flag, as is posting comments or photos pertaining to any questionable behavior. Avoid using expletives on social networking sites as well.

But social networking can be used to make a solid first impression. Use sites to grab recruiters' attention in positive ways, such as referencing work done in the community or your involvement with professional organizations. This can complement a C.V. and resume and increase your chances of landing an interview.