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Unique ways to attract new business

When an economy struggles, consumers tend to tighten their purse strings, affecting businesses big and small. As a result, many businesses look for ways to attract new customers during an economic downturn. Such efforts can make the difference between a business that survives a slow economy and one that's forced to close its doors.

Sales are a traditional way to attract new and old customers, but business owners who want to go beyond sidewalk sales or lower prices can still generate new business in a variety of ways.

* Go viral. The Internet has enabled even local Mom and Pop stores to make names for themselves across the globe. One of the more unique, not to mention enjoyable, ways to attract new business is to make a viral video. Viral videos can be made by anyone and on devices as simple as camera phones. They are often humorous in nature and shared via social media, and a viral video that features your business can draw attention to your company and create a loyal following among consumers, some of whom might never have heard of your business before.

* Embrace social media. Social media is another great way business owners can attract new customers. Social media creates a direct line between businesses and their customers, something that can create a loyal customer base, especially when business owners solicit customer opinions and respond in ways that let customers know their opinions are valued. Social media can also help businesses make personal connections with potential customers, sharing the stories behind their businesses as well as information about their products. Such personal connections also inspire loyalty among customers and encourage them to spread the word about the businesses. What's more, the publicity gained via social media is free.

* Create your own app. Today's consumers rely heavily on their smartphones. Many businesses have created their own apps so they are always there for their customers. Apps can make it easier for consumers to buy your products and make it easier for you to inform them of sales or other special events.

* Make good use of consumer opinion Web sites. Consumer opinion Web sites have grown incredibly popular over the years. According to its official blog,, a social networking site in which independent users review businesses ranging from doctors' offices to restaurants, had more than 70 million unique visitors at the onset of 2012. The site employs a 5-star rating system that allows users to rate businesses on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, 5 being the highest rating possible and 1 being the lowest. Yelp's research notes that 38 percent of users gave 5-star reviews, while only 12 percent gave 1-star reviews. These numbers indicate that people not only enjoy using Yelp, but also they especially enjoy using it to share positive experiences. Businesses can make use of Yelp and other consumer opinion Web sites by encouraging satisfied customers to share their experiences on the Internet. Businesses can also make use of negative reviews, investigating such reviews and taking steps to address any issues.

Surviving a recession can be difficult for consumers and businesses alike. But businesses can employ several unique tactics to help their ventures survive and grow regardless of the economy.