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How to promote and find success with a direct sales business

As long as there has been Tupperware®, Avon® and Mary Kay®, there have been individuals lining up to take advantage of the direct sales model. Direct sales, or home-party business models, have been going strong for decades. A largely female-oriented business, direct sales often involves a gathering of women in privates homes, where women learn about the newest innovations in everything from home decor to beauty products.

In this unpredictable economy, many people are investing in direct sales as a means of earning extra income or filling in the salary gap during an extended period of unemployment. There are others who are engaged simply because they enjoy the chance to meet and interact with different people on a regular basis.

Getting started in direct sales is something that requires forethought and a little research. Because it will take a commitment of time and money, it is important to consider if this is a business model you really have the time to support. When considering a direct sales business, there are some strategies to employ.

Choosing the right business

Nowadays, there are myriad direct sales businesses available to interested men and women, who can sell anything from food products to kitchen tools to footwear. When selecting a business to join, it is important to find one that has a product you can stand behind. Think about which products interest you. Are you a beauty fanatic or a culinary whiz? Having an interest and the belief in the products you plan to sell will make it easier to encourage others to buy the items or join your team.

For many, the businesses they join also will involve making financial decisions. Earning money is the goal; therefore, it is wise to investigate the type of commission rate on sales as well as other incentives the business provides. Most direct sales models require an initial investment in a "start-up" kit. The cost of this kit, as well as any other start-up expenses, will have to be considered.

You also want to look at the type of training and support system within the company. Success in direct sales often involves knowing about the tricks of the trade and having a place you can turn to for advice and business information.

How direct sales work

Most of the direct sales businesses you encounter will operate in a similar fashion. They will have a hierarchy of personnel, each of whom earn a certain commission or percentage of others' sales based on their position and rank. These are usually referred to as your upline and downline. The upline consists of those who came before you, including people who might even have recruited you. The downline is the group of people you were able to entice to sign up.

The primary objective in direct sales is generating interest in the items you are selling. The second component is recruiting others to be consultants with the company. Many people mistakenly equate direct sales with pyramid schemes. However, unless the person you recruit under receives your investment directly, this is not a pyramid scheme. In direct sales, the investment goes to the company for business materials. There is, however, a pyramid-like element in direct sales, as the person at the top of your upline will earn more than those at the bottom.

People are generally attracted to direct sales because the business is already established. You simply buy the kit and start selling and going to parties. There is typically minimal marketing materials you need to buy, such as a catalog, and you most likely will not have to keep a large inventory on hand, as the idea is to promote sales from the catalog.

Promoting your business

Once established, you will have some personal or mandatory goals to meet. Having a successful direct sales business can be challenging.

It is unrealistic to expect buyers to flock to you as soon as you put the words "consultant" after your name. You will have to do some work and expend energy getting your business message out and following up for sales. Here are some ways you can slowly, and effectively, advertise your business.

* Put an e-mail signature on your account so that any message you send will have your business information attached to it.

* Join any "work from home" or "moms' groups" you can through social media sites. Follow the rules regarding how many times you can mention your business and continually get the word out.

* Start a blog and talk about various things, including your business. You want individuals to be interested and visit your blog, but don't use the blog as a digital billboard.

* In a similar vein, become an online author. Write about topics that pertain to your business. The more your name is out there and the more your site is linked to other Web sites, the greater your exposure.

* Figure out a profitable target market, and then develop a plan to reach these people.

* Think about working in conjunction with other direct sales people you aren't competing against. For example, exchange business cards with other individuals. Use these as "bag fillers" for your party guest orders or party takeaways and have the others do the same. This provides free advertising for both of you.

* Register to become a vendor at a local job fair. While you won't be selling products, you will be enticing potential recruits.

There are many ways to get your direct sales business started. After you start making sales and recruiting, open communication and follow-ups will help keep your success going strong.