Family & Parenting Family & Parenting Family & Parenting

Parenting Pointers

Help your child transition from a crib to a bed

Much of a young child's life revolves around adapting to new situations. Even when a routine is established, things can change and new skills must be learned. From moving from bottle to cup, to giving up a pacifier, to no longer using diapers or training pants, young children must tackle a lot of transitions.
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Choosing a doctor

Choosing the right doctor is a critical decision that requires some in-depth research. Very often individuals make this decision purely by which names turn up on a health insurance plan, while others choose the doctor who is closest to their homes. Although managed care has changed the way many look for and use doctors, this doesn't mean a person should remain hands-off in the selection process.
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Most common parenting mistakes

Install a new appliance, which comes with an instruction manual. Buy a new gadget, and there will be an operation booklet tucked into the box. But have a child, and there's no how-to guide that comes with the new baby. Parents must learn the ropes themselves with some guidance from others who have been there. Parents with good intentions make mistakes when parenting their children, and most of these mistakes are quite common.
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Furnishing the empty nest

For parents, experiencing their kids leaving the nest can not only be a momentous event, but it can also be one sometimes tinged with a bit of sadness. After all, your little boy or little girl is all grown up now. However, looking at the bright side, this means you now have one or more rooms that can be turned from a kid's bedroom into a space you can now enjoy.
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How to write your own last will and testament

Few people, young or old, look forward to writing a will. A will is not an easy subject to broach, but it is important to have documents in place to ease the burden for family members.

When a person dies without a will, his or her assets might not go where he or she intended. In some instances, assets might go to the government. For parents who die before their children are grown, a will can also serve as a legal document indicating a plan for custody of the kids.
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New reason to potty train

You're already separating cans and plastics from regular trash. Your light bulbs are CFL or LED. Each of your showerheads have been replaced with low-flow models. There's a hybrid car in the driveway. What more can you do to help improve the environment?

If you're a parent to a toddler, encouraging him or her to potty train a little earlier can be a considerable help to the planet, particularly if you're currently relying on disposable diapers.
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