Most common parenting mistakes
Install a new appliance, which comes with an instruction manual. Buy a new gadget, and there will be an operation booklet tucked into the box. But have a child, and there's no how-to guide that comes with the new baby. Parents must learn the ropes themselves with some guidance from others who have been there. Parents with good intentions make mistakes when parenting their children, and most of these mistakes are quite common.Parents employ many strategies for raising children the right way. It is often a task of trial and error to find methods that work in certain families. When making parenting decisions, individuals may want to avoid these common pitfalls that may lead to potential problems down the line with children's behavior.
* Do as I say, not as I do. Parents are often guilty of instructing children how to do something, but not following their own advice. For example, telling children to eat a balanced meal (including those vegetables) while the parent doesn't put any on his or her plate. Children learn best by example, and they are always watching their parents' behavior. Setting a good example all of the time is important.
* Failure to be consistent. Empty threats will soon be recognized by children for what they are. If a certain punishment is mentioned in reference to poor behavior, it is important to follow through. Don't allow children to feel as though they can behave badly without facing consequences.
* Setting unrealistic expectations. This is a fast-paced world, and one in which many people are trying to keep up with the Jones'. This can cause parents to compare their children to others the same age and wonder whey their kids are not yet meeting a milestone someone else may have accomplished. As a result, parents tend to get pushy and impatient with their own children. This is often the case with a toddler who is not yet ready to potty train or a teenager who has yet to a commit to a course of study at school. Parents should set realistic expectations for their children, taking time into consideration. All children mature or do things on their own schedules -- and will come around in time.
* Offering too many choices. Children presented with too many options might become indecisive. Parents can keep this in mind when allowing kids to have some independence by making a few decisions but limiting the choices to a manageable amount. For example, when asking children what they may want for breakfast, only give three choices, such as: cereal, oatmeal or yogurt. They'll still feel like they are making choices, but fewer options are less likely to overwhelm kids.
* Packing the schedule. More is not necessarily better when it comes to setting a child's schedule. Too often parents fill their kids' schedules with too many activities, especially extra-curriculars. Although afterschool activities help kids make more friends and become well-rounded individuals, overdoing it can cause stress, fatigue or inability to concentrate. Children need a balance between just having fun with free play and their school and extracurricular commitments. Having something to do each and every afternoon may overwhelm some children.
* Over-praising mundane things. It's good to reinforce positive behavior with praise, but often parents heap on too much praise or reward things that don't have much merit. This may cause children to expect a pat on the back every time they do something. When parents applaud everything a child does, he or she may end up undermining the effectiveness of praise as a form of positive reinforcement.
* Nagging doesn't work. Repetitively asking for something to get done may cause children to tune out. If the child doesn't comply in a reasonable amount of time, then he or she will face some sort of punishment.
* Children and adults are not equal. In an effort to befriend their children, parents often worry about hurting feelings or having their kids mad at them. Children shouldn't be treated as small adults, and parents should remember they are parents first and foremost. Some decisions will be unpopular, but such decisions need to be made if they are in the child's best interest.