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Crabbing an Ideal Hobby and Food Source

A wide variety of crabs are found all across the country. Individuals can find the blue crab on the East coast; the Dungeness along the coast of Washington State down to Baja, Mexico; the King crab in Alaska; and the Stone crab in Florida. Going crabbing can yield plenty of delicious crabs.

Not only can crabbing yield quite a bounty of fresh shellfish, it can be an enjoyable pastime for adults and children alike. All a person needs is a few supplies and patience for a delicious meal.

* License: Check to see if a license is needed to harvest crabs recreationally. Americans or anyone fishing in the United States should contact the Department of Fish and Wildlife to learn about licensing.

* Knowledge of rules: Oftentimes, it is illegal to keep crabs that are smaller than regulation size. Know the measurement for legal crabs and bring a ruler on any crabbing excursion.

* Crab pot or rings: This equipment can be bought or rented and presents an easy way to catch crabs.

* Bait: Most crabbers use some sort of meat, either poultry or clams. Just be sure the bait is fresh.

* Gloves: Handling crabs can be risky business. Prevent cuts and pinches from the claws with sturdy gloves.

* Cooler: Crabs need fresh seawater in which to live until they can be cooked. Store them in a cooler.

Although crabs can be obtained any time of year, most people find the best crabbing occurs in late summer to early autumn. Some varieties of crabs mate this time of year and are more active.

Try crabbing at slack water times, such as low tide or high tide. When they don't have to contend with a lot of surf or pulling tides, crabs are more apt to walk around and hunt.

Crabs can be caught off the sides of boats, from piers and right at beachside. Experiment with different methods and leave an hour or more to catch a bunch of crabs.