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Pet Health

How to reduce stress on pets when hosting guests

The holiday season is a time of joy and togetherness. It's also a time of busy schedules that can impact everyone in the household -- including pets.

People are not the only ones who feel the emotional tug of the holidays. While their owners may be concerned about hosting parties or ensuring all entertaining details are met, pets may be unaccustomed to changes in daily routines that take place when their owners are entertaining guests. New smells and sights and the confusion of the actual event may elevate stress levels for pets. According to ASPCA Director of Anti-Cruelty Behavior Research Dr. Katherine Miller, people may underestimate just how stressed pets feel when their routines are turned upside down.
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Digestive issues can make things painful for pooches

Though it may seem like dogs have stomachs of steel, no dog is invincible and sometimes they may be struck with stomach upset or a symptom that indicates there is a problem.
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Cold weather care for pets

When temperatures drop, humans are not the only ones who feel the chill. Cold weather also can take its toll on animals, including dogs, cats and birds. Protecting pets when winter arrives involves modifying care tactics.
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Understanding dog bloat

Dogs are valued members of many families, so when a dog falls ill, its owners want to do all they can to ensure their four-legged friend gets back on his feet as quickly as possible.
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Safety of certain cat litters in question

The safety of certain cat litters has given rise to heated debates on message boards and pet forums. Many people have said that the clumping clay litters that have been around for decades may be contributing to various ailments in cats.
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