Cancer Awareness Cancer Awareness Cancer Awareness

Facts & Figures

The five most deadly cancers

Cancer has surpassed heart disease as the foremost cause of death for people in North America. A cancer diagnosis can be life-altering. Although there are many successful treatments for cancer, there is no definitive cure. Plus, certain cancers continue to be more ominous than others.
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What parents should know about childhood tumors

Cancer claims millions of lives across the globe each year. No one is immune from cancer, though some people, either due to genetics or certain lifestyle choices, are at greater risk than others.
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The 411 on carcinogens

Most families across the globe have been affected by cancer. Affecting millions of lives each year, cancer does not discriminate.

A host of factors can determine if a person gets cancer. One of the factors that can influence if a person gets cancer is his or her exposure to carcinogens. Though many people have heard of carcinogens, those same people might be less familiar with what carcinogens actually are, and if there's anything they can do to reduce exposure to and protect themselves from these potentially deadly substances.
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Top-rated cancer centers

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be devastating. So many questions come to mind, not the least of which is a patient's chances of survival. That is why cancer patients are quite concerned about the level of care they receive. A hospital or treatment center highly rated for cancer care and dedicated doctors can make things easier for recently diagnosed patients.
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Did you know?

Researchers have predicted that global cancer rates could increase by as much as 75 percent by 2030. Researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the American Cancer Society have estimated that the number of people affected by cancer in some of the world's poorest countries could grow by as much as 90 percent.
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These viruses have been linked to cancer

Though it's difficult to determine a specific cause of cancer, the American Cancer Society notes that some forms of cancer are found more often in people who have been infected with certain viruses. Infection with the following viruses does not necessarily mean a person has cancer, but there does seem to be a connection between these viruses and cancer.
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