Breast Cancer AwarenessBreast Cancer Awareness Breast Cancer Awareness

Facts & Figures

Establishing the pink ribbon symbol

The pink ribbon has been synonymous with breast cancer for years. Nowadays, people rarely think twice when they see pink ribbons, having grown accustomed to the pink ribbon and what it symbolizes.
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Symptoms of breast cancer

Breast cancer is a disease that claims the lives of so many people. Although many deaths cannot be prevented due to the severity and late stage of the breast cancer, early diagnosis goes a long way to improving mortality rates and sending individuals into remission faster.
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Surviving Diagnosis

Exploring the different types of breast cancer

Breast cancer is a universal term to describe several different cancers that form in and around the breasts. Breast cancer types are generally categorized based on where the illness begins, most often in the ducts or lobules, the parts of the female anatomy responsible for producing breast milk.

About 226,870 new cases of invasive breast cancer in American women will be diagnosed in 2012, while more than 22,000 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer over that same time period.
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Breastfeeding with breast cancer

Many mothers subscribe to the belief that breastfeeding is healthy for their children. Medical experts encourage breastfeeding for at least a period of one year so that the infant receives optimal nutrition and the antibodies necessary to start off life on a healthy track.

But what of the mothers who have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer or previously undergone treatment? Although it may be challenging, breastfeeding might still be possible for women in such situations.
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Anatomy of a healthy breast

Many women are unaware of the anatomical makeup of their breasts. That can make it difficult for women diagnosed with breast cancer to fully understand the disease. The above cross-section represents a healthy breast. In many cases, breast cancer involves the small circular parts contained in the mammary glands, called lobules, and the tubes within the breasts, called the ducts.
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