School Year School Year School Year


Tutors help fill educational gaps

Many parents choose to hire a tutor for a child who is struggling with a portion of his or her school work. Finding the right tutor involves some research. That's because, in addition to the tutor being well versed in his or her area of expertise, he or she should have a connection with the tutored child. Otherwise the child may struggle.
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Job tips for new college grads

Though many college students dream of the day they will walk across the stage and receive their bachelor's degree, the reality that awaits many after the last note of "Pomp and Circumstance" has been played may not be what is expected because job availability remains bleak. According to analysis of government data conducted for the Associated Press, nearly 54 percent of bachelor's degree holders under the age of 25 were jobless or underemployed in 2011. That's the lowest such level in more than a decade.
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Did you know?

According to the College Board, the cost of a college education has risen by almost 130 percent in the last 20 years. However, middle-class incomes have flatlined, making a college education an unattainable goal for many students. Those who take out loans as a means to pay their way may want to consider college majors that may better prepare them to find jobs in well-paying fields and offset the cost of those loans. According to salary data site PayScale, engineering majors are the majors to consider if salary is a priority.
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Classroom layout can affect learning

When school begins anew, students are often excited about seeing their friends again and spending time with classmates they will be learning alongside all year. Though who a student sits next to in class is important to students for one reason, teachers have different motives behind classroom seating arrangements.

Classroom layout plays a role in how students learn, concentrate and behave. Before the school year begins, teachers may establish a seating and learning environment unique from other classes. Throughout the school year, adjustments may be made in the best interest in children.
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The many reasons to support technology in the classroom

Technology has become an integral part of life, affecting how we communicate, how we view our homes, how we conduct business and nearly every other aspect of our daily lives. That includes how we learn, especially for today's youngsters. The classrooms of yesteryear are quickly becoming a thing of the past, as teachers are increasingly turning to technology to help students learn.
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Poor job market leads to surplus teachers

In response to teacher shortages in school districts across the country, many college students decided to earn degrees in education and graduate ready to fill the deficit. However, the tides have quickly turned, and now there are more teachers than there are jobs available. Even substitute teaching positions have dried up.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in the education sector now hovers around 9 percent. Since autumn of 2008, school systems, state education agencies, technical schools, and colleges have shed about 125,000 jobs. Even teachers who specialize in math and science -- subjects that tend to have the largest number of shortages -- have found fewer and fewer opportunities. Schools simply are not hiring.
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Net-zero school is a living lesson in conservation

At Richardsville Elementary school, all the electricity is produced self-sufficiently. This is the result of a groundbreaking collaboration between the architects, builder, and suppliers to produce the first net-zero achievable school in the United States. This building in Bowling Green, Kentucky is so energy efficient it is able to produce, on site, as much energy as it uses over the course of a year.
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