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Adults returning to school to advance careers

What do you do if the economy has stalled your career prospects or left you looking for a new job? Many adults are choosing to go back to school.

Thousands of laid-off workers or those who are stuck in careers that may not have been their first choice find that the path to new opportunities runs through a classroom. Spurred by the $787 billion economic stimulus bill that President Obama signed back in February 2009, which included almost $2 billion for adult employment services like training, many adults have traded in their time cards for textbooks. Or they're spending evenings and weekends taking courses after-hours.

Community colleges and some vocational schools are finding the recession has been good for enrollment. To attract adult students, they're offering programs that are tailored to individuals seeking new skill sets. Some school marketing teams have sent recruiters into factories and other industrial places to speak to workers at the source.

Other schools are expanding or just developing online degree options, which enable adults to take classes on their own time. Online schooling is an attractive alternative because of flexible schedules and no commute times. According to Back to College, an online resource for those interested in going back to school, recent statistics indicate more than 90 percent of traditional institutions provide or plan to provide some kind of program through distance learning. Thousands of students now log on to distance-learning portals instead of sitting in a traditional classroom.

Those interested in going back to school will have some choices to consider and steps to take.

* Decide on what you want to study. Some adults are going back to school to further develop their skills in a particular career field. Others are returning to learn entirely new things in preparation for a new job. Have your major clearly defined so you can immediately get started with schooling.

* Choose the college or university. There are schools all over the country and the world. Community colleges are less expensive than private schools, and some offer comparable educations. When going back to school, the prestige of the learning institution may not be as important the second time around. Many adults look for schools with online courses so they can continue to work. These will be factors in deciding where to go.

* Apply for financial aid. Adults returning to school are just as entitled to apply for financial aid as new students right out of high school. Federal funding and grants, as well as private scholarships, may be available to help pay for your education -- especially if you're experiencing financial hardship at the time.

* Start out slowly. Do not take too many classes at once if you already have a busy schedule. You want to ensure you'll have time to study and do your homework. Once you can gauge how much time the average class requires of you, you can increase the number of courses accordingly.

* Be patient. Although many adults are returning to school, it may be expected that you will be outnumbered in the classroom by younger students. Some adults feel awkward in these situations, while others embrace the opportunity for new experiences and chances to impart their own knowledge on younger classmates. It may take time to find your groove once more.

There are several reasons adults are returning to school. The process has become easier now that the economy has made furthering your education almost a necessity.