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How parents can get involved at school

Research indicates that children whose parents get involved with their education are more likely to earn better grades and less likely to have behavior problems in the classroom.

The concept of parents working in conjunction with schools is nothing new. A 1987 study by Paul G. Fehrmann and colleagues documented the importance of parental involvement on their child's grades. Published in the Journal of Education Research, the study found that when parents stayed directly involved in their child's studies throughout high school, the child's grades improved.

There are many different reasons for parents to get involved with their child's school and the community. Helping their children succeed is just one of them. The choice is just how to go about connecting with the school. Here are a few ideas.

Work with the teacher

Teachers are increasingly facing obstacles with regards to time and funding. Many must preside over large classes and are responsible for outfitting their classrooms with certain supplies. This presents ideal opportunities for parents to step up and pitch in.

Volunteering in your child's classroom is a good way for you to help his or her teacher and get a firsthand account of what your child is doing in class. You may be asked to prepare and package homework assignments or put together materials for craft projects. Some teachers welcome parents who come in to read books to the class or even give spelling tests. Think about chaperoning a field trip or helping with the set-up and clean-up of class parties. If you keep an open dialogue with the teacher through phone calls or e-mail, you may be presented with plenty of opportunities to get involved.

Attend meetings

Parent-teacher associations or organizations are often instrumental in helping a school to run smoothly. They are the people behind fundraisers and special activities outside of the classroom. The PTA is also privy to information on upcoming events before the rest of the school community.

Attending monthly meetings can keep you up to speed on the goings-on at your child's school. It will also ensure your voice is heard with regards to school policy. Showing your face at meetings will also give you the opportunity to meet other parents.

Attend special events

Not every parent can serve on the PTA or be present in the daily activities of the classroom. However, you can show your support by attending special events hosted by the school -- such as fundraisers or field-day activities.

Volunteer your time with the setup of teacher-appreciation lunches and bake sales, serve as a tour guide for the school when new parents are invited, build sets or make costumes for a school play, or take pictures of events and create a collage to be put on display in the school.

Volunteer your skills

Some schools can benefit from the specialized skills of parents. Ask if you can come in and talk about your job or hobby and demonstrate it to the class. Individuals who have technology skills can volunteer to install computer software or to run networking throughout the school. If you have a background in print layout, find out if you can help design and publish the school newsletter or yearbooks.

Anytime a parent volunteers his or her time, that means less funding has to go to hiring an outside vendor for the job, saving the school money it sorely needs.

Being involved in your child's school sets a positive example for your kids and provides their school with some much-needed assistance.