Succulents for low-maintenance

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Shopping for a garden storage shed

Household garages are no longer as popular for storing vehicles. Instead, garages are used to store the extra items that do not fit inside the home. Many people even turn to self-storage units for extra storage space. According to the Self Storage Association, the storage industry earned roughly $20 billion in revenues across North America in 2010. It has also been the fastest-growing segment of the commercial real estate industry for the last 30 years and is considered to be recession-proof.
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Garden injuries are a major concern

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, emergency rooms in the United States treat more than 400,000 outdoor garden-tool-related injuries each year. Additionally, the American Society for Surgery of the Hand has issued warnings that caution gardeners about hand-related injuries.
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How to maintain fresh-cut flowers

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Fun facts about earthworms
There are more than 2,700 different types of earthworms residing on the planet. Earthworms are often known to be workhorses in the garden, helping to aerate and fertilize the soil while filling it with nutrients. Earthworms recycle materials like dead leaves, decaying animals and feces so new plant seedlings can grow and have the process begin anew.» Read More
Protect your garden from hungry animals

Keeping furry marauders away from the garden is something individuals who live in rural or suburban areas have to consider when planting. Many communities are growing and encroaching on the natural habitats of wild animals. With some of their natural food sources diminishing, animals may decide to partake of the easy pickings that come from residential home gardens.
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Maps reveal new plant hardiness zones

Since 1960, the go-to source for climate and relation to agriculture has been the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Plant Hardiness Zone map. In 1967, Agriculture Canada developed their own map that took into consideration Canadian plant survival data and a wider range of climatic variables. The maps remained constant until now.
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Go green in your garden

Gardening with the environment in mind is something many gardeners might do already without even knowing it. The following are a few ways to garden in a way that's mutually beneficial to gardeners and the environment.
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How to: Seaside gardening tips

Sun, salt, a light breeze and some sand may make for a picturesque day at the beach, but they can be anything but favorable to the delicate plants and flowers in a garden. Further, the very warm temperatures and arid, sandy soil that are typical of seaside locales can make planting a lush garden difficult.
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Did you know?
If you're considering inspiration from Colonial gardens of yore for your landscape, certain pointers can turn that dream garden into a reality. First, Colonial gardens are largely geometric and symmetrical. Elements should be arranged with thought to the central axis of the planting bed. Color is used sparsely in Colonial-style gardens; therefore, stick to small patches of color used in moderation against monochromatic hues of green foliage. Linear pathways are also a dominating feature of Colonial gardens.» Read More