Hiring a lawncare professional
Many homeowners hire a lawncare professional to tend to their lawns and gardens. To hire a quality service or individual, homeowners need to do a little homework.* Compare prices. Professional landscapers offer an array of services and, as a result, those services vary in cost. Ask neighbors and friends what they pay for routine maintenance and any other special services. Get recommendations for companies that do work you admire.
* Interview prospective companies. Set up appointments or price quotes from three different lawncare services. Compare the offerings and the prices. Ask questions about whether pricing is "per week" or "per cut." Determine if services such as edging, blowing away debris, trimming, and clean-up are included.
* Find out about extras. Some services will offer packages for spring and fall clean-up, and homeowners should inquire about any special offers during the initial comparison stage.
* Who does the work? A company may farm out work to other landscapers. Figure out who will be arriving each week and base decisions accordingly.