March 13, 2025
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Debut Online Ad Directory Successfully Covers the Full Year’s Subscription Cost

Harvey County Now
Newton, Kansas

“Marketing Dude” Bruce Behymer makes his first use of Metro’s Themed Websites & Directories count, generating more than enough ad sales to pay for a full year of access!

“This little ‘shop local’ deal paid for my year, and I have some dollars left over. Anything from here on out is profit. Helluva deal.” – Bruce Behymer, Harvey County Now

CREATE: Bruce Behymer of Harvey County Now customized Metro’s ready-to-use “Shop Local” Themed Ad Directory with his own title of “Newton Hometown Holiday” to lend it more personalized appeal for his market’s holiday shoppers and advertisers. Since Metro’s Themed Websites & Directories can be managed by anyone – no HTML knowledge required – Behymer was able to quickly
create and take the site live himself.

SELL: Behymer says he didn’t want to “overpromise” on his first Themed Ad Directory, so he pitched to a small group of advertisers and offered a discount on the new product. Even so, the directory generated more than enough ad sales revenue to pay for the entire year’s subscription.

PROFIT: Behymer is enthusiastic about the powerful results and response he received from Harvey County Now’s first Themed Ad Directory. He says the publication has even hired a new ad rep, who will be active in growing ongoing Themed Ad Directory engagement.

Bruce Behymer, M.D. (Marketing Dude)
316-617-1095 • bruce@harveycountynow.com
Harvey County Now

Themed Websites & Directories Starting at only $50 per month

Get started with Themed Websites & Directories today! Call 800-223-1600 or email service@metro-email.com.
Learn More | View More Sample Directories & Sites

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