February 18, 2025
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Online Companions to Print Directories Produce a 30% Revenue Increase

The Meadville Tribune
Meadville, PA

CREATE: Metro’s customizable themed websites and directories are ready to sell and present live on a publication’s site to target strategic audiences, build SEO, increase web traffic and expand online revenue. After successful results using Metro’s “Call a Pro” online directory, the Meadville Tribune ran a second business-card directory to attract support for essential local businesses serving the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

SELL: Offering a print and online advertising package rate, the Tribune sold 15 spots in their “Call a Pro” directory. One business owner was booked for two months after appearing in the online directory. He recommended the strategy to a fellow business owner in the community, who decided to purchase a spot in the next online directory, becoming the area’s first Amish business to advertise online. That “Support Local” business-card directory attracted 41 advertisers in total.

PROFIT: Classified Manager Wendie Bergendahl says the online component allowed them to increase ad rates, which helped offset the online cost, as well as attract new advertisers. The publication was able to achieve a more than 30 percent increase in income as a result.

Added Plus: Word of mouth from a local business experiencing success with online directory advertising helped this feature sell itself!

“We are thrilled by the directory. Thank you for your efforts to help us generate a quality product that hopefully will generate income for our advertisers as well as the Meadville Tribune.”
– Wendie Bergendahl, Classified Manager

The Meadville Tribune
Meadville PA
Wendie A. Bergendahl
Classified Manager
814-724-6370 x224

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