Unlimited, Unbranded & Unsponsored Copyright-Free Editorial Features
Did you know your subscription includes unlimited article downloads from Metro’s Editorial Library?
Use keywords or category pulldowns to search thousands of ready-to-publish individual features on all types of topics, plus games, puzzles, recipes and horoscopes. Your Metro articles are non-branded content, and can be edited any way you like to fit your needs or incorporate native advertising from businesses in your local market. You’ll find more than 60 new editorial features, plus more than 100 additional game, puzzle and recipe features, added to your Editorial Library every month!
Bite-Sized Reader Interest Features
If you ever find yourself looking for engaging, small-space articles to quickly fill page spots, remember “Did you know?” features from your Editorial Library. You’ll find hundreds of these helpful, fact-fueled writings for a range of topics, from home and garden to safety, nutrition, pets, holidays, music and more. All “Did you know?” articles are under 300 words, and you’ll find the exact word count listed directly beneath the preview summary for each story. In addition, you can search brief “Did you know?” fun facts geared toward kids by selecting the “Kids Corner” filter under “Puzzles, Games & Recipes” in your Editorial Library. As always, these and all other Metro articles (all included in your subscription!) are copyright-free and can be edited to fit your space parameters quickly and easily without having to rewrite the feature.