Welcome to Holiday Advertising Service SearchBook™
2019 Edition
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Wrap up greetings from multiple advertisers
into one full-page design with this year’s
smaller-space, multi-advertiser formats.
These layouts are perfect for businesses
operating on limited budgets, giving them the
ability to pool resources and increase their
impact. They are also great for businesses
looking to maximize name recognition with
supplemental advertising in addition to their
single-advertiser greeting ads. Choose from
several designs and themes. Layouts for both
Christmas and the New Year present combo
advertising opportunities.
Close more multi-advertiser sales with layouts
and images to create greeting pages, as well as
coordinated marketing materials to help you
promote these opportunities to local
advertisers. Find completely customizable
seasonal, Christmas and New Year’s designs to
appeal to a wide range of potential customers.
Run sales promotions in the frame designs as
well to promote them in the months leading up
to the holidays, or include them with invoices
and newsletters. Also, find promotional ads, a
page header and an order form designed to help
you create and sell reader-to-reader holiday
greetings as a page or special section.
Ho-ho-show and sell an appealing variety of
ready-made greetings for every advertiser
preference in this year’s Holiday Advertising
Service. From seasonal nature scenes and
snowflakes to Santa shots, elves, Christmas
trees, ornaments, twinkling lights, presents,
nostalgic images, religious themes and
Christmas poems, there’s something for
everyone on your holiday selling list. Offer
prospects a range of artistic styles and
designs, quickly personalizing spec ads for
every advertiser in MiAD Wizard, then
heading out the door to present and sell!
Approach your most popular sales prospects
with a personal touch using holiday greetings
customized for specific types of advertisers
and their products or services. Find ready-topresent-
and-sell features – plus bonus
images – for restaurants, bars, coffee shops,
department stores, bowling alleys, movie
theaters, electronics stores, shoe stores, toys
stores, auto parts suppliers, florists, garden
centers, builders, dentists, churches, your own
newspaper, and many more. These tailor-made
ads help you give customers exactly what they
want for Christmas!
Ring in more year-end revenue as you
count down to 2020 with themed New Year’s
greetings for your local advertisers.
Piggyback sales with package deal options
to purchase both Christmas and New Year’s
space, choosing from multiple-advertiser
layouts and individual greetings in a variety of
styles and sizes for virtually every price point,
including an expanded assortment of onecolumn
ads. Keep in mind that all of the New
Year’s greeting spec ads are ready for you to
drop in your advertiser info in MiAD Wizard.
Hover over the icon and see the results.
Expand your holiday sales window by giving
local advertisers a chance to express their
gratitude to valued customers with a
Thanksgiving-themed greeting. Encourage
businesses to reserve their holiday ad space
early with presell discounts and package rates on
Thanksgiving and Christmas combo advertising.
All Thanksgiving spec ads are designed to let you
instantly drop in your advertiser info using MiAD
Wizard. This innovative online spec ad tool is
available to help you create countless new
Thanksgiving greetings in mere minutes.
Local businesses celebrating Chanukah and
Kwanzaa will also find greetings designed for both
holidays. These ads present an opportunity for
holiday advertisers to maintain a print presence
for an extended period of time, starting with
Chanukah, which begins on the evening of
January 22, and continuing through Kwanzaa,
which ends January 1. These ads are an ideal
complement to special Chanukah and Kwanzaa
celebration guides, or include them in your
traditional holiday sections. Get advertiserspecific,
ready-to-present spec ads by
personalizing them in MiAD Wizard.
Explore additional design options for greeting ads
and section covers with a collection of swirl-style
illustrations demoed on page 23. These pretty
images feature seasonable elements like
snowmen, ornaments, reindeer, doves, gifts and
trees to put the finishing touch on ads and covers.
Find them in the MCC Creative Library by selecting
“Swirl” from the Image Type pulldown. Heading
designs are another valuable tool for creating new
ads or sections. Find headings for Christmas,
Chanukah, Kwanzaa and the New Year, plus a
selection of French and Spanish holiday headings.
Find a beautiful assortment of themed backgrounds for this year’s holiday
season, featuring winter landscapes, manger scenes, Christmas decorations,
gifts, fireworks, candy canes, champagne and more. These eye-catching
backgrounds are perfect as section covers, or use them to create holiday event
flyers, marketing promotions for section advertisers or large ads for individual
advertisers eager to make a big impression. Additional tab cover designs are
featured using backgrounds and other images for Christmas greetings, a gift
guide, a Christmas songbook, winter fun, cookies and baking, holiday d-i-y
projects, letters to Santa, New Year’s Eve celebrations and much more!
Looking for another way to help advertisers
connect with customers this holiday season?
Sponsoring a coloring page panel is a great way
for local advertisers to create positive name
recognition among both kids and parents.
Promote placement opportunities to complement
seasonal product and service offerings in a
Home for the Holidays section. Finally, invite
advertisers to get in on the fun with this year’s
all new Holiday Fun & Games special section!