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How to keep healthcare costs manageable

The cost of living is on the rise. Gas, groceries and even healthcare continue to become more expensive.

Healthcare, in particular, has become a burden to many people. The rising costs of medical care and prescriptions is making it difficult for many people to afford adequate healthcare. It's hard not to be impacted by the cost of healthcare, which is on the rise for a variety of reasons:

* reduced contributions from employers into employee healthcare plans;

* increased incidences of medical malpractice suits, which drive up doctors' insurance costs;

* greater involvement by patients in their healthcare choices, with more requests for in-depth testing;

* an aging population requiring more medical care, and

* increased innovations in medical technology.

These factors have made it challenging for many people to keep healthcare costs manageable. Yet, there are ways to keep healthcare expenses affordable.

* Compare plans. Figure out which plan offers the biggest bang for your buck. Although one person in the relationship may be the proverbial "breadwinner," that doesn't mean his or her health insurance plan is the best option available. Compare your options and choose the best plan for you and your family. If neither is sufficient, decide if purchasing your own insurance with a union affiliation or through a different method would be better.

* Live a healthier lifestyle. A sick individual will have to pay more for healthcare. Eat the right foods and maintain a healthy weight. Do not smoke or drink alcohol to excess. Be sure to include exercise in your daily activities.

* Check for discounts. Some health plans offer rebates to policy holders who exercise regularly. Each plan is different, but check your policy for the details.

* Review the explanation of benefits. Explanation of benefits, or EOBs, are statements provided by your health insurance provider. Make sure they are accurate and void of discrepancies. Report any errors to the insurance company, even if it means singling out a physician who may not be operating truthfully.

* Participate in incentive programs. Some insurance providers will offer incentives, such as a points program, for taking surveys or taking part in health-related activities.

* Use in-network providers. If you participate in a plan that requires you use network doctors, do so. Otherwise you will have to pay the balance of costs not covered by the insurance company. The same is said for laboratories and testing facilities. Follow the rules of your plan.

* Ask for generic prescriptions. You can save by going to certain pharmacies within your plan and also by using generic prescriptions when available.

* Visit doctors regularly. Staying healthy and being informed of ailments early on can prevent lengthy hospital stays or more in-depth testing and treatments. Schedule routine physicals and screenings.

There are many different ways to keep costs associated with healthcare down.