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New car owners often place a premium on protecting their cars from thieves, but thieves tend to prefer older vehicles. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the most stolen car in 2010 was the 1994 Honda Accord. And that top spot was not an aberration. The 1995 Honda Civic was the second most stolen car in 2010, finishing one spot ahead of the 1991 Toyota Camry. The NICB notes improved anti-theft technology as one of the main reasons for declining theft rates, which dropped 7.2 percent between 2009 and 2010. That improved technology is likely a big reason why thieves are targeting older vehicles that don't benefit from those improvements. One of the more influential technological advancements that's helped reduce auto theft is an electronic chip in newer cars. These chips prevent usable keys from being easily made at a hardware store, meaning a car thief won't be able to start the car even with a copied key.