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National Impaired Driving Prevention Month | Metro Video Tutorials | MetroCreativeConnection
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month


December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Great strides have been made in the past couple of decades in sending the message that driving drunk is dangerous and prevents a serious public health risk to all on the road. However, there is still a lot of work to do to become more serious and make similar strides with drugged driving. Drunk drivers kill more than 10,000 people annually, and about one-third of traffic deaths in the United States involve a driver with a blood alcohol concentration above the legal limit. Driving under the influence of drugs, an increasingly common occurrence, carries the same risks as drunk driving and is just as avoidable. And driving distracted, including while using a cell phone, can lead to tragic outcomes that are also preventable.


Fortunately, the number of fatalities due to drunk driving has dropped on a national scale. Yet vigilance and continued awareness are needed. Use sponsor-style layouts from the Creative Library of to offer space to multiple advertisers that want to get behind this worthy cause during the holiday season.


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