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National Black History Month/National African-American History Month | Metro Video Tutorials | MetroCreativeConnection
National Black History Month/National African-American History Month


Company: Association for the Study of African American Life & History
Telephone: (202) 865-0053
Web site:

Each February regions around the world recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of black individuals who have helped shape history. Black History Month, also known as African-American History Month in America, occurs annually in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, and most recently in the Netherlands, where it has been named Black Achievement Month. Carter G. Woodson, a notable historian, was instrumental in establishing the forerunner to Black History Month with his creation of Negro History Week in 1926. The week was designed to raise awareness of the role of black individuals have played -- not only during the Civil Rights movement -- but in culture, science, academics, music, and much more. The week grew to a month-long recognition in 1976 for Americans, and in 1995 February was also named Black History Month in Canada to honor black Canadians.

Today, communities, businesses, schools, and groups take great pride in celebrating Black History Month throughout February. Notable black individuals are studied and highlighted, and the commemoration can be a time of great pride for people all across the country.



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