Prevent an Insect Invasion. Tips for Keeping Gardens and Flower Beds Safe
As the weather warms, 82 million homeowners across the country begin the annual process of preparing their lawns and gardens for outdoor activity. While some may look forward to days filled with backyard barbecues and quiet nights under the stars, others are overwhelmed at the invasion of insects threatening their yards and gardens.
A wide variety of annoying insects can destroy lawns and gardens if they go unchecked. From ants and aphids to caterpillars, grasshoppers and spiders, these pests can ruin fruits, vegetables and flowers, diminishing the hopes and aspirations of any gardener.
In most situations, the best defense against unwanted insects is to initiate a good offense. Homeowners need to take action before green leaves turn yellow, daisies droop and hastas develop holes.
Follow these tips to keep gardens and ornamentals safe from insects.
* Keep gardens and flower beds clean and free of debris. Insects can hide and breed in weeds, threatening plants.
* Space plants properly -- crowding makes it easy for insects to move from plant to plant.
* Turn garden soil in the winter to expose overwintering insects to freezing temperatures.
* Prevent spreading insects by cleaning hands and tools. Wash hands and gardening tools often, especially when dealing with infested plants. Often, gardeners will unknowingly help insects find new homes when handling different plants.
* Apply pesticides made of non-toxic ingredients to quickly eradicate insects, while preventing runoff and residue that can be harmful to pets and children.
* Choose a botanical insecticide that combats a wide variety of insects. This will save the time and hassle of identifying each pest and using several different methods.
When comparing insecticides, consider an eco-friendly product that won't create a toxic build-up in the environment. For example, Results® Garden and Floral Insect Control, a botanical insecticide, kills most garden insects in minutes and has a zero-days-to-harvest designation, so food can be sprayed and picked to eat in the same day. There is no reentry wait time, so residents and their pets can return to the yard safely immediately after application.
For more information and tips to prevent insects from invading, visit