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Common Critters Can Cause Problems for Homeowners

Among the more frustrating things lawn enthusiasts must face are the host of critters that can make even the most lush lawns and green gardens look like a minefield in a relatively short period of time. With each critter comes different damage, and different ways of solving the problem and protecting your lawn.


Squirrels are some of the more common animals homeowners must deal with. While they tend to nest in trees, some squirrels might actually be living in or on the roof of a home. Regardless of where they have established residency, squirrels can be harmful to lawns and gardens.

When squirrels gather food, it's not uncommon for them to bury excess food by digging holes in the yard. Squirrels can also damage flower beds and strip bark from trees.

Sound repellents have proven capable of handling squirrel problems, and such a solution boasts the added benefit of deterring other critters like rabbits and foxes. Scent repellents are also available, while more serious squirrel problems might require the help of a professional pest control agency.


When moles are present around the property, the signs are often obvious in addition to being an eyesore. Moles make molehills, which are not only unsightly but can also weaken the strength and texture of the lawn.

The good news about mole infestations is the variety of treatments available to homeowners looking to solve the problem. Sonic repellents and substances that attempt to repel moles with smell are just two of the avenues available to homeowners looking to rid their lawns of pesky moles.


While foxes might not be as widespread a problem as squirrels or moles, that doesn't mean they can't do significant damage when they do appear. Gardens typically pay the steepest price when foxes appear, as the foxes tend to dig up gardens to hide their food.

Perhaps the most effective repellent for foxes is a fox-proof fence around the garden. Alternatives to fences include sonic repellents and water sprays.


Like squirrels, rabbits are common critters around lawns and gardens. Rabbits can be especially problematic thanks to their nature, as they live in packs, meaning homeowners will have to deal with more than just one of them. Rabbits can destroy grass, tree bark, plants, and gardens, particularly vegetable gardens.

Sonic repellents can be used, but a fence might be enough of a deterrent. If the problem persists, consult a professional.