Behold the Humble Houseplant
Houseplants have a lot to boast about when it comes to improving life indoors.
It turns out they are pretty good at clearing the air of harmful contaminants given off by man-made components in furniture and building materials. Research by scientists at NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center in Mississippi confirms houseplants clear the air of common pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde -- byproducts of the slow molecular breakdown of household items such as carpets, plastics and synthetic fibers.
Scientists found areca palm (Chrysalidocorpus lutenscens), lady palm (Rhapis excelsa), Boston fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata 'Bostoniensis'), English ivy (Hedera helix) and rubber plant (Ficus elastica) to be highly efficient natural air purifiers.
Stacks of research show houseplants positively impact moods and help reduce the feelings of stress. A Norwegian study found indoor plants helped reduce coughs, fatigue and headaches among workers with plants in their office spaces. Other studies suggest being around indoor plants helps us recover more quickly from illness.
Some of the most popular low-maintenance houseplants include Mother-in-law's tongue (Sanservieria trifasciatia), spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura) and corn plant (Dracaena fragans).
Even though the above-mentioned plants are easy to care for, do not be deceived. The plants we commonly grow indoors come from tropical and arid regions. Light, temperature and humidity levels should mimic their native landscape whenever possible.
The old landscaping rule of "right plant, right place" applies when growing plants inside.
Make sure plants get the recommended amount of light. Lighting categories range from low to very high direct sunlight. Don't know the lighting conditions in your home or office space? Try the shadow test. Place a sheet of white paper in the plant's growing spot and hold your hand approximately one foot above it.
sharp shadow (6+ hours daily) = direct light
hazy shadow (6-8 hours daily) = high light
faint but distinct shadow (4-6 hours daily) = moderate light
vague shadow (8+ hours daily) = low light
Adequate nutrition and moisture are also essential for healthy houseplants.
Take the guesswork out of feeding with a premeasured formula like the new Jobe's® SmartSpike. This set-and-forget fertilizer is designed specifically for container gardens. Adjust the dial for proper pot size, place into soil, then water. The SmartSpike's patented osmotic pump provides the right amount of nutrients when the plant needs it. Look for Jobe's SmartSpike at lawn and garden centers and retail stores. (Need more information? Visit
Proceed with caution when watering. Too much or too little can bring disaster. Use your finger for determining if a plant needs water. Insert your finger to a one inch depth in the soil. If the soil is dry, it is time to water.
Houseplants are readily available and affordable. Care for them properly and they will give you many years of enjoyment -- plus clean air, improved moods and reduced stress. When it comes to improving life indoors, the common houseplant can't be beat.