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Did You Know?

Mosquitoes are among the most common uninvited guests at backyard barbecues and other outdoor gatherings. But warding off these hungry and intrusive insects can be done in a number of ways. One of the ways in which homeowners can minimize the likelihood of mosquito infestations is to ensure gutters are clean and clear of debris. Mosquitoes are attracted to decaying leaves, so ridding the gutters of such debris can reduce the risk of mosquito infestation. Another, though probably less popular, way to reduce the risk of mosquitoes wreaking havoc on a backyard barbecue is to ask guests to refrain from wearing perfumes, aftershave or other products that have strong aromas. Such items attract mosquitoes and can increase the risk of guests getting bitten. Wardrobe can also play a role in a person's susceptibility to mosquito bites. Tight-fitting clothing can be bitten through by hungry mosquitoes, while more loose fitting clothing can be more efficacious when it comes to protecting partygoers. Finally, maintaining any areas where water can gather is also an effective means to ward off mosquito attacks. Turn over a dog's water bowl when not in use or throw sand or dirt in any rain puddles to make the property less attractive to pesky and problematic mosquitoes.