Online solutions ease money worries

There are solutions for cash-strapped Americans who act now to combat money worries. Keeping to a budget and cutting back on spending, is the first step, but for many, a quick way to make some extra cash is needed, and one of the easiest ways to make money is to clear out the attic or basement and sell your unwanted items online.

"If you can buy holiday gifts online, then you can sell items online -- just as easily," says Franco Lagudi, CEO and Founder of the new online selling community, The SOC Exchange. "In this tough economy everyone is looking for a way to bring in a little extra cash and countless others are hunting online for cheap deals that will help them cut costs -- it's the perfect time to start selling online."

The SOC Exchange allows users to set up their own online selling site for just $1 a month and does not charge the listing or commission fees the big auction sites charge. A simple, inexpensive alternative to such sites as eBay and Craigslist, The SOC Exchange gives all sellers their own 'webstore' where they can list as many items as they like in a store-front format, with up to seven photos per item, plus many innovative features such as the ability to post a blog on your site, or send an e-mail newsletter to customers.

"People are no longer willing to pay high fees to buy and sell online, yet they want a site that helps them to find buyers and keeps costs minimal," comments Lagudi. "My aim is to bring down the cost of online trading and encourage everyone to post those items they no longer need -- to recycle their unwanted items and make some extra cash."

For those interested in starting to sell online, Lagudi, offers these tips:

Clear Out The Clutter - Clear out your basement and the attic. Take clear photographs of all the things you haven't used in a year and sell them online.

Collectibles Can Be Fun to Trade - Many people enjoy trading collectibles as a hobby and some manage to make a good living. If you are new to trading collectibles, start with low-priced items and watch other sites to see what sells and how much it sells for.

Put Your Hobbies to Good Use - Whether you like to knit, sew, paint, or make bird houses, put your talents to good use and start selling items online. Make a small number of items, post them online and see what sells.

Trawl Yard Sales for Bargains - Once you understand what sells well online, visit yard sales in your area and haggle to make sure you pay no more than 50 percent of what you intend to sell it for.

Watch Out for Hidden Fees - Online selling sites often charge a fee for each item you list and also take a percentage of the final sale price. This may seem small at first, but can quickly add up. Look for low-cost sites with simple pricing structures like

List it And See if it Sells - You'll be amazed at what people buy on the Internet, and as they say, 'one man's trash is another man's treasure.' Take a clear picture, decide a fair price, describe your items honestly and let the Internet do the rest.